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The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Folio Set (1974) By Edward Gibbon


Edward Gibbon is one of the greatest of the historians of the Enlightenment. Two centuries of massive scholarship and constant intellectual evolution have inevitably left many marks on Roman, Byzantine and even more on medieval European history. It remains a remarkable fact that anyone who wishes to study the later Roman or Byzantine Empire will still find Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire the best, as well as the most readable narrative of it.


The 8 Volume Book Folio Set inludes:


  • 1: The Turn of the Tide,
  • 2: Constantine and the Christian Empire,
  • 3: The Revival and Collapse of Paganism,
  • 4: The End of the Western Empire,
  • 5: Justinian and the Roman Law,
  • 6: Mohammed and the Rise of the Arabs,
  • 7: the Normans in Italy and the Crusades,
  • 8: the fall of Constantinople and the Papacy in Rome.


  • Hard Cover in Folio Slip Case
  • In Good Condition

The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1974) By E. Gibbon

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