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Taim Bilong Misis Bilong Armi: Memories of Wives of Australian Servicemen in Papua New Guinea, 1951-1975 (2001) By Stephanie Lloyd, Jenny Hearn, Marlena Jeffery


Isolation, separation, loneliness and disruption-such can be the lot of an army officer's wife. Couple these problems with pervasive heat and occasional tropical illnesses, inadequate housing, a different culture, communication difficulties, and frequent long absences from their husbands, and even their children-and this was the life many Australian army wives faced when accompanying their husbands on postings to the Pacific Islands Regiment in Papua New Guinea in the decades prior to independence in 1975.


Taim Bilong Misis Bilong Armi is an anthology of their stories-heartwarming stories, sad stories, funny stories, totally engaging stories. There are stories of weddings, births, fun times, moments of fear or awkwardness, and experiences of working in an unfamiliar environment. The predominantly young army communities supported each other through the hard times, and partied together in the good times.


Includes Inscribed Plate from PNG High Commissioner


  • Soft Cover 
  • 155 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Taim Bilong Misis Bilong Armi (2001) By Stephanie Lloyd, et al.

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