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Soldiers of '44 (1979) By William McGivern


World War Two novel, set during the Battle of the Bulge, by the author who served as a sergeant with the U.S. Army Artillery. He fought at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge, receiving numerous decorations, including four bronze battle stars and the Soldier's Medal. McGivern is best remembered as a TV screenwriter and novelist, with many of his novels adapted to the screen, including THE BIG HEAT (1953) which received an Edgar Award in 1954 as Best Motion Picture.


Sergeant Buell Docker and his fifteen-man mobile gun unit face some uncomfortable moments and decisions during the German Ardennes counteroffensive in December 1944, and Docker faces them again, months later, before a hostile board of old-line officers


  • Hard Cover
  • 420 Pages
  • In Good Condition

Soldiers of '44 (1979) By William McGivern

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