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Air Power Development Centre #21: Air Power In The Protection Of Territorial Areas (2008) By Sanu Kainikara


Territorial integrity of the nation is one of the primary concerns of all governments. This is more so in nationstates that are beset with economic constraints and internal strife generated by factors that may or may not be interrelated. The changing global security scenario has only further increased the problems faced by the armed forces and security apparatus of the nations affected. While a number of developed nations have started to view security issues in a larger international manner, the assistance proffered by these nations may not be very acceptable to the troubled states for a number of reasons, mostly related to internal politics. Under these conditions it becomes imperative for smaller nations to harness all possible methods and sources to secure their integrity. This paper examines the changes that are taking place in the conduct of war in relation to internal conflicts that are subversive in nature and then looks at the role and significance of air power in protecting the integrity of territorial areas. It looks at the steps to be taken to contain subversive insurgency in a theoretical manner and then goes on to suggest possible strategies for the utilisation of air power in particular and military forces in general to ensure national integrity. The paper is a fresh look at the ongoing changes in the application of force to further national security.


  • Soft Cover
  • 23 Pages
  • In Fair to Good Condition

Air Power Development Centre #21: Air Power In The (2008) By S. Kainikara

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