141BC Accession of Emperor Liu Che (Wu) of Han (141-87 BC)
49BC Caesar besieges Brindisi, held by Pompey
1226 Massacre of Tbilisi: King Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu the Khwarazmian slaughters thousands of Georgian Christians for refusing to convert to Islam
1230 Battle of Klokotnitsa: Tsar Ivan Asen II of the Bulgars defeats Komnenos Doukas, Despot of Epirus
1461 Revolt at Genoa expels a French garrison
1496 Expulsion of the Jews of Carinthia, Austria
1617 Peace of Stolbovo: ends the Russo-Swedish War (1611-1617)
1741 British invest Cartagena de las Indias
1796 Napoleone Buonaparte marries Josephine de Beauharnais, divorced in 1810
1798 Dr. George Balfour is appointed the first surgeon in the USN
1811 Battle of Tacuarí: Manuel Atanasio Cabañas' Royalist Paraguayan troops defeat Argentine Revolutionaries under Manuel Belgrano
1814 Battle of Laon, Day 1: Napoleon v. the Russo-Prussians
1847 Winfield Scott lands an army at Veracruz, Mexico, and begins a siege.
1861 Confederate Congress authorizes paper currency in bills of $50, $100, $500, & $1,000
1862 Battle of Hampton Roads II: USS 'Monitor' fights CSS 'Virginia' to a draw, preserving the blockade
1864 Ulysses S. Grant promoted to lieutenant general and commanding general
1916 Germany declares war on Portugal
1918 Jews of Seredino Buda, Ukraine, massacred
1918 Russian Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party
1921 Armored cruiser 'Brooklyn' (CA 3) stricken from the Navy List.
1924 Italy annexes Fiume
1932 Eamon De Valera becomes President of Ireland's Executive Council (1932-1937)
1942 Ernest J. King, COMMINCH U.S. Fleet, is also named CNO
1943 New Guinea: Japanese aircraft conduct a major raid on Wau.
1943 Salonika: Nazis deport the Jews to extermination camps
1945 Indochina: Japanese attack French garrisons, massacring thousands.
1945 US B-29s drop 1,665 tons of incendiaries on Tokyo, creating a firestorm; by dawn on the 10th c. 80,000-120,000 have died, the highest toll in a single air raid, exceeding even the atomic bombs
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