58 BC Caesar reaches Geneva, to begin the conquest of Gaul
47 BC Battle of the Nile: Caesar & Pharnaces defeat an Egypto-Optimate Army
19 BC Triumph of Lucius Cornelisu Balbus the Younger, for victories in Africa; the last triumph held for anyone not a member of the imperial family
1555 Marcello Cervini degli Spannochi elected Pope as Marcellus II (Mar 27-May 6 1555)
1599 Elizabeth names her favorite, the Earl of Essex, Lt-Gen of Ireland
1625 Charles I ascends the English and Scottish thrones, deposed and executed 1649
1794 Congress approves construction of 6 frigates, including USS 'Constitution'
1799 USS 'Constitution' recaptures the American sloop 'Neutrality' from the French
1802 Treaty of Amiens: Wars of the French Revolution end
1814 Battle of Horseshoe Bend: Andrew Jackson defeats the Creeks
1863 Confederate President Jefferson Davis declares a day of fasting & prayer
1865 Battle of Mobile/Spanish Fort/Fort Morgan/Fort Blakely
1933 Japan leaves the League of Nations
1937 Pope Pius XI publishes anti-Nazi encyclical "Mit brennender Sorge"
1940 Himmler orders building of the Auschwitz concentration camp
1941 Britain leases bases in Trinidad to the US for 99 years
1941 Coup in Yugoslavia ousts Prince Paul's pro-Nazi regime, prompting Hitler to order an invasion
1941 Takeo Yoshikawa begins spying on US installations on Oahu
1942 Allied air attack on the German submarine base at St Nazaire, paves the way for a nocturnal Commando raid
1942 Ceylon: Adm. James Somerville takes over the British Far Eastern Fleet
1943 US troops attack Fonduk Pass, Tunisia
1944 The Nazis murders 40 Jewish policemen in Riga, deport the Jewish children of Lovno, murder 2,000 Jews in Kauna, and transport 1,000 Jews from Drancy, France. to Auschwitz
1945 B-29s begin mining Japanese waters
1945 Wiesbaden falls to the US XX Corps
1945 The last German V-2 rocket attack on Britain: 134 people, many of them Jewish, are killed Whitechapel, London
1952 Attempted assassination of West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
1958 First Secretary of the CP (since 1953) Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier of the USSR (1958-1964)
1964 UN peacekeeping troops arrive on Cyprus
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