1313 The Scots liberate Edinburgh Castle from the English
1369 Battle of Montiel: Henry "the Bastard" defeats his half-brother Pedro "the Cruel" of Castile
1489 Queen Catherine Conaro of Cyprus (1474 to 1489) sells her realm to Venice
1503 Cesare Borgia invests Ceri, aided by Leonardo's siege engines & Machiavelli's advice
1558 Ferdinand I becomes Holy Roman Emperor (1588-1564)
1590 Battle of Ivry: King Henri IV of France defeats the Catholic League
1653 Naval Battle off Livorno: Dutch fleet under Johan van Galen defeats the English
1792 Battle of Cape Noli: Anglo-Neapolitan fleet defeats French (began 3/13)
1799 Cardinal Ruffo's Calabrian insurgents liberate Catanzaro from the French amid the great slaughter
1800 Barnaba Chiaramoni elected Pope as Pius VII (1800-1823)
1812 Congress authorizes bonds to finance War of 1812
1836 Battle of Refugio: Mexicans capture a Texian force
1862 Battle of New Bern, NC
1891 Eleven Italian-Americans are lynched by a mob in New Orleans
1912 Italian King Vittorio Emanuel III injured by an assassin
1915 German cruiser 'Dresden' scuttled off Chile
1917 SecNav Josephus Daniels authorizes the U.S. Navy to recruit women as "yeomen, radio electricians, and other useful ratings" under the terms of the Naval Reserve Force Act
1919 After a parade up Fifth Avenue, the colors of the 367th Infantry ("The Black Devils"), New York City's black draftee regiment, are presented to the Union League Club
1919 Kaaden Massacre: 52 Sudeten Germans protesting incorporation into Czechoslovakia are shot by security forces
1933 Winston Churchill calls for better air defense of Britain
1939 Slovakia secedes from Czechoslovakia, while Hungary, Romania, & Poland occupy portions of the country
1941 Italian hospital ship 'Po' is sunk by British aircraft off Albania; nurse Edda Mussolini Ciano swims ashore
1941 German Air Raid on Clydebank: After two night of bombing nearly every building the town is damaged or destroyed, more than 500 are dead, and over 50,000 homeless
1942 MacArthur arrives on Mindanao by PT-boat, from Bataan en route to Australia.
1945 B-29s raid Osaka, 13,000 casualties.
1945 RAF bombs railway link at Hanover-Hamm
1946 Ticker tape parade on Broadway for Winston Churchill
1953 Nikita Khrushchev succeeds Malenkov as secretary of the CPUSSR
1991 The Emir returns to Kuwait, newly liberated from Iraqi occupation